Media Yu-Gi-Oh discussion

Is Rabbit banished by it's own card effect or by the opponent's card effect?

This is the most damage I can think of assuming Rabbit is banished by an opponent's card effect:
Normal Summon Wind-Up Magician -> Special Summon Wind-Up Shark
Trigger Magician Effect: Special Summon 1 Wind-Up Magician from your Deck in face-up Defense Position
Shark Effect: Level 3, Trigger Magician Effect: Special Summon 1 Wind-Up Rat from your Deck in face-up Defense Position
2 Magician into Photon Papilloperative
Detach 1 Wind-Up Magician; Change Wind-Up Rat into face-up Attack Position
Wind-Up Rat effect: Special Summon 1 Wind-Up Magician from the Graveyard
Wind-Up Shark and Wind-Up Rat into Zenmaighty
Zenmaighty Detach Shark; Special Summon Wind-Up Rat
Trigger Magician effect: Special Summon 1 Wind-Up Shark
Wind-Up Magician + Wind-Up Shark into Gem-Knight Pearl
Wind-Up Rat Special Summon Wind-Up Shark from your Graveyard
Xyz into Acid Golem

End Field:
Photon Papilloperative, Wind-Up Zenmaighty, Gem-Knight Pearl, Acid Golem

Only 9200 ):

I lose.
9300 was the pitfall number we kept coming to, so dont worry about ending up in the 9200 range, you can go higher (also don't forget you have 2 sharks in hand, you will need both for this solution)
I think I figured it out, but it's dependant on a ruling... I'll ask someone later in #yugioh, but I'm 99% sure that I have 10100 damage on board if this ruling works out in my favour.
omg just had the best comeback ever.

basically im playing some dark world user and i outplay him to the point where i have tking on the field with shark with backrow dealing damage to his dead snowws in hand and no other cards.

this guy is literally topdecking now because he desperately needs and out - and what does he draw? mother fucking morphing jar. just like that, all of my advantage completely disappears and im left having to now decide what to do with my tking shark field, i draw magician prison reborn tour guide something useless. so main phase 2 i summon magician, make shark 3 to get rabbit, banish the magician with rabbit, xyz for zenmaighty, get rat, bring back rabbit, and now im good to banish rat on his turn if i need to.

he does standard dark world shit, eliminates my backrow ends up with a field of 2 backrow + gates + 2 grapha and i have nothing on field (i banish rat with rabbit as well) and i basically lose if i dont win next turn. hes at 3100 LP i think

i draw wind-up shark and get back my magician and rat that were banished. and make my play to win on this turn:

1.) rat eff, summon magician from grave. ss windup shark trigger magician, get last wind-up shark from deck.
2.) make both sharks level 5 and xyz for wind-up zenmaioh to destroy this guy's two backrows.
3.) zenmaioh triggers the unused magician, get another rat from deck
4.) make photon pap with the 2 magicians, switch unused rat to attack.
5.) rat eff get the shark from grave
6.) xyz the 2 rats into giga brilliant
7.) reborn the shark, make both sharks 5 for adreus, destroy gates. giga brilliant eff and attack with all monsters for game.

in retrospect it looks kind of easy but when the pressure on, being able to think out how can i kill this turn with this set up isnt as easy as it looks and i couldn't really afford any wasted motion. knowing how to make sure both of my magicians got value before xyzing with them for pap was crucial, as was making sure i got the exact monsters i need (adreus + brilliant + zenmaioh + 1 monster to kill that turn).

all i can say is this game literally made my day and just makes me want to keep practicing vs dif scenarios.
I freaking loved this game. Then synchros came, and by the time I was old enough to start making quality decks instead of making decks shown in the anime, I was pissed at how stupid the idea was. Then I started playing again 2 years ago. HELP ME. I'M GOING BROKE.
-2 fiendish chain (terrible card now that inzektors aren't broken. Its a -1 because you stop its effect and then you need a second card to destroy it)
+1 pot of avarice (despite it being "macro" rabbits, I've found that I end up with macro less than I'd like)
+1 Leviair (running two is useful)
-1 Utopia (have you ever decided to get this card out?)

its a pretty standard deck, so there's nothing too wrong. Most of this is just my preference.

Super Mario Bro

All we ever look for

First attempt at building my own Dino Rabbit deck. Fix it please. Might put Reaper and Mole in here.
I would go:

-2 Macro -- It's better in the sideboard, IMO.
+1 Pot of Duality -- It's underused in Dino Rabbit, and I don't understand why. Extremely helpful when you have those inevitably awful hands.
+1 Maxx "C" -- This is one of my favorite techs, and I always fit at least one into the main deck when I can. It will save your ass against Wind-Ups and stuff.

-1 Soul Taker -- You have a ton of Thunder King hate as it is
+1 Pot of Avarice -- It's too good, man

That's all I can think of right now. Solid build.
I would go:

-2 Macro -- It's better in the sideboard, IMO.
+1 Pot of Duality -- It's underused in Dino Rabbit, and I don't understand why. Extremely helpful when you have those inevitably awful hands.
+1 Maxx "C" -- This is one of my favorite techs, and I always fit at least one into the main deck when I can. It will save your ass against Wind-Ups and stuff.

-1 Soul Taker -- You have a ton of Thunder King hate as it is
+1 Pot of Avarice -- It's too good, man

That's all I can think of right now. Solid build.
Macro does far more to the meta than anything one shitty duality and maxx can do.

Super Mario Bro

All we ever look for
That's true, but I don't like how it conflicts with Avarice and is a dead draw in too many scenarios. I think he has enough control, and could use some extra speed/consistency.

It's just up to taste I think. I tried Skill Drain in the Dark World mainboard and didn't like it, and I didn't like mained Macro in Dino Rabbit either. Those type of traps that are great against some decks but are downright terrible against others, so I think they belong in the side at all times...unless you're playing with Malefic Beatdown/Macro/set5.dek.

Can someone help me? Attempted to build this deck, but I'm not sure how good it is. Also sorry about if the last post was old, but i've seen some older bumps in the thread.
I hate to be so blunt, but your deck isn't very good. Watts aren't very competitive, but they can make a good deck (Probably my fav archtype). The problem is you don't really have a win condition. Watts are slow compared to most other decks, and pushing for 1000 lp every turn isn't going to win you game because most decks can win in 3 turns if you don't stop them. You use a lot of bad cards seemingly just because they have the word "watt" in them. You also use a lot of single copies and not much general thunder support which is available. Cards like wattcube, robbin goblin, and wattcastle aren't that good, compared to cards like thunder seahorse.

The only way watts can be successful is by slowing the pace of the game. They have one of the most deadly 2 card lockdowns in the game with 2 watthoppers on the field. If you can get that out along with something protect it (Starlight road, Solemn Judgement, effect veiler) you've basically won. The whole deck should be based around trying to slow the game down and get this out, which is what my watt deck does. Right now your deck looks like a bunch of thunder cards thrown together, which doesn't really have rhyme or reason to it.

Check out my watt deck:
The deck is geared around getting 2 watthoppers out on the field. It gains a lot of hand advantage through seahorse, recharge and cobra, so I can afford to run photon lead to summon a watthopper. 1 watthopper on the field is rather vulnerable, but normal summoning one, then special summoning the other is very easy, as is searching for them with cobra. I can also get them out via dragonfly or one for one. Once they both get out I try to attack directly while my opponent tries to get rid of the 2 hoppers (which very few cards can do). After that I just have to get out wattchimera, which leads to a lockdown since my opponent isn't drawing any new cards, just the same one as they had in their hand the previous turn.

TL;DR, your deck needs work. If you're going with watts, focus on getting a wattlock out and protecting it. Get rid of the random cards which don't focus on that goal, and then add cards which slow the game down and stop your opponent from otk'ing you like veiler and tragodeia, since that's the biggest problem with slow decks nowadays. Good Luck!
Monsters: 21
03 Gellenduo
02 Genex Neutron
01 Honest
03 Photon Thrasher
03 Shining Angel
01 Vylon Tesseract
03 Vylon Cube
03 Vylon Prism
01 Vylon Tetra
02 Vylon Sphere

Spells: 15
01 Galaxy Zero
02 Iron Call
01 Monster Reborn
01 Pot of Duality
01 Reinforcement of the Army
01 Rod of Silence - Kay'est
01 Vylon Element
01 Vylon Component
03 Vylon Material
01 Vylon Matter
02 Vylon Segment

Traps: 3
03 Royal Decree

Extra Deck: 15
01 Ally of Justice Catastor
01 Beastlord Volcan
01 Ancient Fairy Dragon
01 Vylon Delta
01 Vylon Sigma
01 Stardust Dragon
01 Stardust Radiance Dragon
01 Vylon Epsilon
01 Vylon Alpha
01 Vylon Omega
01 Abyss Dweller
01 Constellar Omega
01 Photoknight Paladius
01 Number 16: Shock Master
01 Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7
One of my favorite decks ever <3~


is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnuswon the 10th Official Smogon Tournamentdefeated the Smogon Frontieris a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
it's banlist season bitches, here's my list, feel free to critique it but be prepared to get shitslammed about why you're wrong =]


monster reborn
heavy storm
pot of avarice
mind control
shock master
inzektor hornet
leviair the sea dragon
judgment dragon
royal tribute
card destruction
black luster soldier
one day of peace


atlantean dragoons
wind-up factory
rescue rabbit
master hyperion
tribe infecting virus


magician of faith
deep sea diva
lonefire blossom
high priestess
grand mole
book of moon
wind-up shark


agent earth
exodia pieces
tg striker
primal seed
summoner monk
a hero lives
inzektor dragonfly
it's banlist season bitches, here's my list, feel free to critique it but be prepared to get shitslammed about why you're wrong =]


monster reborn Fine with

heavy storm Wait what? Remember last time that shit happened. Night shot isn't going to do much against the Rai-oh, set 4 BS that happened last time.

pot of avarice Fine with

mind control See above

shock master Seeing how strong shock lock is, i'm good with.

inzektor hornet Annoying as hell, but I think Centi limit wouldn't kill Inzekts completely while still dealing with them

leviair the sea dragon Unlocks too many combos, fine with

judgment dragon Sacky card is sacky

royal tribute Opening sacky cards is sacky

rekindling Knee jerk reaction, would bring to 1 instead

gateway Fine with

card destruction Fine with also

honest On the fence on this one, as much as i didn't like it at 3, i don't mind it sitting at 1, but i do see your reasoning in it

black luster soldier Agreed

one day of peace would bring to 1 instead, instabanning is too extreme


DMoC you know prophecies can get this out right? No, i don't want this

atlantean dragoons need to hit mermailanteans somehow, so i'll take your word for it

wind-up factory Would rather limit Magician instead as I hate cards that can special summon it's archetype INCLUDING itself

rescue rabbit Fine with

TGU fine with

master hyperion Fine

grapha Fine

tribe infecting virus At best a lightning vortex on legs, fine with


magician of faith Might test the waters with putting it to 1, but 2's ok

deep sea diva See dragoons

lonefire blossom Happy to see plants get the boost

high priestess Hyperion cards are annoying, so agreed with

grand mole Would rather keep to 1 as he's repeatable removal that's slightly difficult to deal with

book of moon Good

wind-up shark See Factory, although would be ok with 1 magician, 3 shark


TER Fine with as it's pretty slow to actually get use out of it

tsukoyomi See above

transmigration Never understood why this was hit in the first place

scapegoat wouldn't put it past 2

lumina Fine with the JD hit

spore Expected

agent earth Kind of iffy on it, but venus doesn't really do much with 1 hyperion

exodia pieces Keep at 1 so the non stall exodia deck don't piss me off

plaguespreader Fine

tg striker is this at 2 no, if not, then put it at 2; if so, i'm fine with it

primal seed banned BLS so expected

summoner monk not really that annoying at 2, so fine with that

a hero lives AHL decks only really worked in the OCG anyways

e-call Hero fan, so I'm fine with it

duality Fair card is fair, fine with this

inzektor dragonfly Fair with the hornet hit, although I would rather do the centi thing

kristya Still as easy with this list to get her out as it is now, keep at 2.
Biggest quailms I have with this is the Heavy ban, your approach to fixing inzektors, and a slight change with wind ups, but pretty decent banlist. Might want some explainations to the aformentioned things along with not hitting DAD.

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